The Boxer Promotional Mailer. Visual storytelling through direct mail design for photographer Thomas Chadwick.

ETC. Creative, Thomas Chadwick. Work: Print Design, Art & Creative Direction. Credits: Design Direction—Jessica Zimmer, Creative Direction—Jim Zimmer, Design—Jessica Zimmer, Printing—Printing Arts, Product Photography—Richard Gary, On-Site Photography—Jim Zimmer.

References: Joe Louis, Annie Leibovitz, Dave Mackay

“Thomas Chadwick integrates stills and motion with people as the hero. With a primary focus on portraits and athleticism, Thomas believes in elevating everyone. His portraits draw out the inner workings within us by bringing honesty and sincerity to the forefront. His athletic work is rooted in the art of humanistic storytelling, overcoming hurdles, and being our best selves.”

(Excerpt from

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